First year at San José State.
2016: Played in 21 matches and 71 sets...averaged 1.86 kills, 0.80 digs and 0.63 blocks per set…season-best 14 kills against UMass Lowelll...four matches with double-figure kills...12 kills against Southern Utah and North Texas...two double-doubles with 10 kills and 10 digs against Manhattan and 12 kills and 12 digs versus Southern service ace against Providence and Southern Utah...five block assists against Manhattan and four versus Southern Utah, North Texas and at New Mexico and at Utah State.
INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE: Plays for both the U17 and Full Icelandic Women’s National Team and the U18 and Full Beach Icelandic Volleyball National Team…plays for top team Iceland’s top volleyball…played at the 2015 CEV Volleyball European Championship…won a bronze medal at the 2015 Games of the Small States of Europe…played with her mother, Gudrún Elva Sveinsdóttir, at the 2014 Iceland Cup final.
HIGH SCHOOL: Graduated from Kvennaskolinn i Reykjavik.
PERSONAL: Majoring in psychology…wants to go into sports psychology after graduation…Thelma Dögg Grétarsdóttir was born in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Thelma Grétarsdóttir Season 2016
HometownMosfellsbaer, Iceland