Terry Malley Celebrates Birthday With Spartan FootballTerry Malley Celebrates Birthday With Spartan Football

Terry Malley Celebrates Birthday With Spartan Football

            The range of celebrities born on August 6 includes Hall of Fame basketball player David Robinson, pop icon Andy Warhol, legendary comedienne Lucille Ball, ESPN Sports Radio host Mike Greenberg and San José State University football's Terry Malley.
            Actually, it would be Santa Clara County's Terry Malley for his 35-plus years coaching high school, college and professional football in the Bay Area, particularly in the South Bay.
            Malley, who would downplay any celebrity status, is in his second season as an analyst on Coach Brent Brennan's staff.  Jokingly, he said on his 65th birthday, he balances out the average age in the room, but he means a lot more than that to the Spartans.

            "When I came on with Brent, I sit in on all the offensive meetings and go to all the practices. I'm involved in the evaluation of all the recruiting. It's different from coaching because I can't coach people on the field," said Malley, who was a quarterback for his dad, "Pat" Malley at Santa Clara University during the 1972 through 1975 seasons before he went into coaching.

            "My role is they needed an older guy on the staff to balance out the younger guys and give some feedback on things that need to be addressed."
            Through time, he's seen the game of football evolve in many ways. One area he discussed is the approach to fall camp at the college level.
            ""It's amazing how much it's changed. In the old days, you had three weeks before the first game. You had two weeks of 'double days' and the last week was singles. So, you had three weeks total. We don't have a 'double day' at all," said Malley, who coached six NCAA Division II nationally-ranked Santa Clara teams in eight seasons and was an offensive coordinator for the San Jose SaberCats four Arena Bowl championships before joining the Spartans.
               "The interesting thing is you have as many injuries practicing once a day as you did in the old days practicing twice. The other change is having kids around all summer long allows you to run into camp with a little bit of steam as afar as kids knowing what to do and getting practice going at a lot quicker pace than what you did in the past."
              Malley treasures the relationships he built in the game particularly with players from all his teams and the experiences that come from them.
              "The awesome thing is the people you're involved with - the great kids that came to play for you. I did the (San Jose) SaberCats. You had older guys, but they were older guys who still liked to play. They were special. I've fallen in love with the kids who play here for a good four to five year period," said Malley who first joined the Spartans in 2009 and oversaw the development of wide receivers Chandler Jones and Noel Grigsby, one-two on the San Jose State career receiving lists.
               "I got to work with my dad (Pat Malley) at Santa Clara. When we first took over there, we were very good and it was very enjoyable. Our time with the SaberCats and winning the Arena Bowl is hard to beat. And, coming here going from not very good to 11-2 was just an awesome experience.
               "The best one still is yet to come. I think we're going to finish this off here with this group pretty soon.  I'm excited to have the best one still to come.
                "I'm very lucky to be involved with them."
                And, San Jose State is fortunate to have him as important member of the Spartan football family.