AT SAN JOSE STATE: In his second season with the Spartans... Moved from an offensive line hopeful in 2019 to a defensive line candidate for 2020 spring practice... Joined the team for the first time during 2019 fall drills... First name is pronounced Cane.
2019: Completed a redshirt season.
HIGH SCHOOL: Lettered in football (Coach Mike Machado) and track and field at Valley Christian High in San Jose, Calif. ... A 2018 All-West Catholic Athletic League first team offensive line selection... San Francisco Chronicle All-Metro honorable mention... Bay Area News Group honorable mention... A shot putter on the track and field team.
MORE ON KYANE: A mechanical engineering major... Enjoys wake boarding, longboarding and hiking... Interested in learning the family's local business of manufacturing, machinery and welding... Kyane is a native of San Jose.