- Ran three seasons of cross country lettering twice and was the captain for one season (Coach Melissa Weagley)
- Participated in four seasons of track and field lettering three times and was the captain for one season (Coach Jay Fishburn)
- Named to the All-League cross country team (2017, 18)
- Awarded MVP for cross country (2017, 18)
- Named to the All-League track and field team in 2019
- Awarded with MVP in 2019 for track and field
- Named Scholar Athlete in 2019
- Received the Blanket Award in 2019 by Tracy High
- Was the Modesto JC MVP in 2019
PERSONAL: Has lived in Manteca, Tracy, Oakdale, and Surf City, N.J. ... Made the President's list at Modesto Junior College in 2020 and 2021... Has 6 sisters... Native of Tracy, Calif.